Friday, October 31, 2008

See: Celebrity


And now I will explain. A few weeks back, Kendra and I were talking about how "famous" we felt every time we went to our schools. The students immediately fell in love with us because we came from so far to be their English teachers. We used the term "celebrity," loosely, without knowing what, in fact, was required to gain true celebrity-hood.

Wikipedia played its part in squashing our dreams, informing us that we needed media attention to officially become celebrities.

Lo and behold, the very next day the local newspaper called up and wanted to interview Americans on the upcoming presidential election. Media attention.

The interview process was a hoot. Kendra and I had our photos taken out on the street and the entire office said they could hear us laughing from inside. We started in French, and then, having to bounce some ideas off of each other in English, discovered that the journalist spoke even better English then we could manage in his language.

It was a really interesting experience, and one that helped Kendra and me articulate our feelings on the political environment of our country. 

We were also interviewed about Halloween, or as the article says, "All Hallow Even." Both of us were relieved not to have been asked what our costumes were going to be: Pepe LePew style French men.

Happy Halloween!

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